

Complete one or more of the quizzes to help you explore your career direction.

Career Quizzes

Take the career quizzes below to discover how your abilities, work preferences and interests can help you explore careers that suit you best.

0 of 3 Career Quizzes Completed

Personality Quizzes

Take the personality quizzes below to better understand how you think, how you learn, and what matters most to you in a job

0 of 3 Personality Quizzes Completed

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

Career Search

Explore career opportunities that fit your interests and goals.

Career Trek

Discover the career of your dreams with videos highlighting careers throughout B.C.

Career Transition Tool

Looking for a new career? Find out what careers you may be able to transition to based on your current occupation.

High Opportunity Occupations

Discover occupations in B.C. that are expected to offer the best opportunities over the next 10 years.

Career Search

Explore career opportunities that fit your interests and goals.

Career Trek

Discover the career of your dreams with videos highlighting careers throughout B.C.

Career Transition Tool

Looking for a new career? Find out what careers you may be able to transition to based on your current occupation.

High Opportunity Occupations

Discover occupations in B.C. that are expected to offer the best opportunities over the next 10 years.