person, wearing gloves, standing in front of a boat and holding a freshly-caught fish

Agriculture and Fishing

Industry Profile
Employment Growth
Job Openings

Industry Overview

Businesses in the Agriculture and Fishing industry grow, raise, harvest, gather, market and sell food to contribute to the essential supply of food domestically and internationally. Agriculture and Fishing include many types of businesses and activities such as farms, orchards, greenhouses and nurseries, apiaries, livestock farming and ranching, operating fishing vessels for fish and seafood harvest.

Helped by its diverse climate and geography, B.C. has become home to one of the most diverse agriculture and fishing industries in Canada; the province currently produces more than 200 different food varieties and raises over 100 different seafood species.

Key Facts

  • Agriculture and Fishing jobs are diverse and include labour, management, technical roles, sales and marketing.
  • Employment is often temporary and highly seasonal.
  • Permanent positions and opportunities for advancement are available.
  • Growth in job opportunities is expected in this sector.
  • Employees may work for an employer or be self-employed.
  • Wages for most workers are below the provincial average.
  • Very few jobs in this industry are unionized.

Hourly Earnings

Earnings is income that workers receive in exchange for their labour. Below are the average hourly earnings for this industry.

B.C. Average Hourly Earnings (2023)

Industry Average Hourly Earnings (2023)

Source: 2023 Labour Force Survey


The workforce includes people who are employed or unemployed but actively looking for work. The workforce is made up of people who are 15 years of age and older and living in Canada.

Employment by Sex (2023)

BC Average (2023)

Source: 2023 Labour Force Survey

Employment by Age Group

Age GroupIndustry Average (2023)B.C. Average (2023)
15 - 24 years17.0%13.3%
25 - 54 years42.6%64.8%
55+ years40.4%21.9%
Source: 2023 Labour Force Survey

Labour Market Statistics

Discover data, facts and information that have been gathered and analyzed. Learn about the characteristics of the economy and labour market in B.C.


Find out about employment types and trends by region and industry.

Types of Employment

Shows % of persons employed for each type

B.C. (2023)

Industry (2023)

Source: 2023 Labour Force Survey

Employment by Region

Map of BC Map of BC highlighting Cariboo region Map of BC highlighting Kootenay region Map of BC highlighting Mainland/Southwest region Map of BC highlighting North Coast and Nechako region Map of BC highlighting Northeast region Map of BC highlighting Thompson-Okanagan region Map of BC highlighting Vancouver Island/Coast region
North Coast and Nechako
Vancouver Island/Coast
Region% Employment this Industry (2023)% Employment All Industries (2023)
Cariboo 3.1% 3.0%
Kootenay 1.8% 2.9%
Mainland/Southwest 49.8% 64.5%
North Coast and Nechako 0.6% 1.6%
Northeast 0.5% 1.3%
Thompson-Okanagan 25.6% 10.9%
Vancouver Island/Coast 18.6% 15.8%
Source: 2023 Labour Force Survey

Labour Market Outlook

The B.C. Labour Market Outlook is a 10-year forecast of the expected supply and demand for labour in the province. It’s usually updated every year. The purpose is to provide British Columbians with the knowledge to make informed decisions on careers, skills training, education and hiring.

Forecasted Average Annual Employment Growth Rate

Source: B.C. Labour Market Outlook

Forecasted 10-Year Industry Share of Total Employment

Source: B.C. Labour Market Outlook

Top Occupations by Job Openings

Top occupations are those with stronger demand and offer higher pay compared to other occupations.
